See Ya Next Week

Wow, the semester is already ending, it feels like yeterday was the first day in college, its like  time was running, like if  we were only objects that were just passing by, we just flash our eyes and at the same instance we open them it feels like everything changed. This blog was a  way too realize how can life can be done just in a second, it feels like yeterday I was just  writting the introduction for this experince

Wow, I must say that i am really  great-full of this experience, it feels like i was yesterday when i started this blog, like it was yesterday when i decided to start analyzing  different topics that are part of our everyday life. It feels like at an  instance just by closing and opening your eyes you can let your whole life fly by in just than less than a second. This is not a goodbye even a farewell is a  see ya next week because I loved my url and the purspose of this proyect and i think i should keep it going, its not a bad a idea to keep running this   blog in  fact loved the idea the second the professor metion this proyect. This is not my first blog i nunned, well i run many other blogs not with this domain but with other name and a differnt company.

This experience was really rich in every aspect with this blog my follower could get to know me better, how i see and persive many topic that with this blog i got to analyze and discuss. HOPE YOU LOVED THIS EXPERIENCE THE WAY I DID>
A Great Big World. A world full of mysteries, full of hidden place which were meant to be discovered one day. It is so full of happiness, joy, laughs but at the same times, agony, bitterness, sadness that it a constant fight between emotions. Living here it was one of the most precious gift ever given, we almost 8 billions of people who think, who suffers, who go out every day wishing for a better tomorrow, because we all have problems and situation but what we will never loose our hopes for a brighter tomorrow. it only needed to go out an see a beautiful sunset and  you know why we should love this planet. But the sad part out of this, is that we are killing it, we treated it like we had another to move to move in.  Every day we  keep intoxicating our rivers, our people and our air, not only hurting mother earth, we also affect our every day. I love living here and I know so do you so let keep this plave habitable as much as we can because what me and this generation do with this planet will be the planet future generation will be living and enjoying so let try our best and enjoy our spectacular now and save as much as we can mother earth. Pledge for a better tomorrow.

PS. This was our last week. it was a pleasure meeting you guys this would have been imposible without you guys I enjoyed this few week, and hope so do you guys. We came, we saw, We Conquered. PEACE OUT.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

Can you imagine a world without kids going to school and adult to college? That would be out of our mind, that would definitely blow our mind, what would have been from our society there were educated mind, discussing ideas, debating and investigating new possibilities.Just try to imagine a world without respectful and kind people, with unaware people who didn't understand the world we choose to live in. without peace, without an actual society,  without an actual economy, possibilities and the chance of turning  dreams into reality, without happiness and equality. Gloomy and scary right? Well thats how important  education can be at this moment, thats what happens, every day  you go through the world and don't learn anything useful.

Life is just a game that you must be prepare to be in, you have to aware when to use the right weapon at the right place and time. That we first learn how to write and read, because out of these you can keep untangling the word of knowledge and experience. We are teach to know it all but at the same time know anything, because what we think we know is actually false and it was just one of many theory. 

I only have one complaint and is quite valid because  we all have our strengths and weak points we aren't perfect so why believe we can master  all, in fact we all have  things we love an dislike . So there is going to be things we love  and topics we dont, but that normal because we don't have to know it all  but what we can really know is that we have to give our best and learn everything we can, as much you know , the more you can question, and go against the current. 

Hey guys it is sunday, which it mean it is time for another entry, this week it will be about movies, first of all, it may sound really sad but I am not a huge fan of movies. Well, yeah, movie can be a really good way to show an idea with the help of a cast, scenery and stuff, but I really don't get the point of it. But after all I've said you guys must be like.....

But there just one movie genre I really like, well in fact, I love, and are those called or categorized: Indie. Yeah, I like every single movie who wasn't filmed by those huge film industries. They might be low budget but at least they are intended to give at a message at a low cost. If you see my netflix suggested films, is not filled with junk class F movies, it is filled with movies most people wouldn't like.  Another thing I hate are sepia colored movies or old movies it just that I get bored easily and are so slow that I know know.

But my favorite movie, of all times although it was created by Fox, it is Star War, but maybe it is because I am a geek, and that movie it is a must for everyone, although it is old,  it has all the basic of modern filming special effect you can what I am talking about when you see it in scenes like these...

     Guess what? Guys it is Sunday, which means it is time for another entry, yeah this time about "celebrities", but first I need to talk about my weekend, OH MAN!!! What a weekend, all I did was study, there wasn't even a second to breath or --------------------------------------------->

I feel chemistry is all I a breathe, think and see, like OMG but I guess that is ok, because that is my concentration so I'll be breathing eating, and touching chemistry for the rest of my life. But ok let get serious, I will be talking about 3 celebrities,  I admire and or I wish I could be them,each one has it own meaning in my life: the first one Kelly Clarkson, my musical muse, she is like the type of artist I listen to, when I want to go off this planet and feel free. Second, my man crush, I know I'm a  guy, but I guess we all have that guy that we wish transmuting could be possible, so we could turn into them, I'm talking about  Colton Haynes, he is everything I wish I could be.The last one, but not least important, my girl, yeah she is my wife, but she don't know it yet, well I'm talking about Demitria Lovato (DEMI).

Shaking your head like it's all wrong
Before you're here you're already gone
And even with the light all around you
You're all alone in the dark.
You're breaking your own heart
Taking it too far down the lonely road
You say you just want love
But when it's close enough you just let it go
The very thing you've been the most afraid of
You've been doing it from the start, breaking your own heart.
Too many tears, too many falls
It's easier here behind these walls
But you don't have to walk in the shadows
Life is so hard.
You're breaking your own heart
Taking it too far down the lonely road
You say you just want love
But when it's close enough you just let it go
The very thing you've been the most afraid of
You've been doing it from the start, breaking your own heart.

You're breaking your own heart.
It's not too late, I'm still right here.
If only you'd let go of your fears
You're breaking your own heart
Taking your own heart down the lonely road
You say you just want love
But when it's close enough you just let it go
The very thing you've been the most afraid of
You've been doing it from the start, breaking your own heart.
You're breaking your own heart

      JUST READ THAT SONG, IT IS SO DEEP, SO HEARTBREAKING, EVERYTHING, BUT that just one of many of her complete repertory, yeah that is a song from Kelly Clarkson, with her I about her a long time ago but I wasn't a big fan, it wasn't till she released 2012 album "Stronger" that I started calling myself Die-hard fan I felt in love with her and with the album, all the songs there were so deep and went through all her music and discover and listened to all her songs. Its was like and addition, it like those types of artist  some people may say     they are "ONE-HIT Wonder" they aren't because she is more than that. She my idol, for everything she is, although some may say music industry is for skinny hot young people she made herself though it and became someone on the TOP, she made herself to the Billboard Top 100, and crown herself the #1 spot for almost 6 week with "Stronger".

     Now my man, Colton Haynes, he is hilarious although he is a superstar he still the same guy, who one had the dream of turning into an artist and a model. He is gorgeous, I just need to be him. Hahahaha we all remember this picture:
His favorite artist: Andy Grammer with his new song called: Back Home, which talks about even though how far you get in life, "We won't forget where we came from, the city can't change us, we beat to the same drum" OMG, isn't that perfect, well it is to me.

     Demitria Lovato, well we grew together, well not physically but she was in front of me, ha yeah she was in the TV while I was growing with her at the same time, yeah it all started  back when she was part of Barney, and our relationship kept growing and growing, then  we reunited when she participated in " Camp Rock" and "Sonny With A Chance". and now days our friendship keep as strong as it was back in those good old days, because I follow her every where she goes, I  don't know what it would be of me, if her music didn't exist, she is even though I do not believe in god, she is my goddess, her music is out of this world, bit that is like the second best thing she have, like she is so gurgeous and so weak at the same time, Disney destroyed her and she arised back up.


Media? What does this represent in modern society? Why this mold our way of thinking? Is it really what it looks like, is it really helpful

Media, is define by the online dictionary Merriam Webster as "members of a mass media" which represent  every effective and massive form of  reaching others and expressing. This leaves us to another question What is a social (mass) media? Well,  social media is define  by "forms of electronic communication (as websites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and others content (as video)" This word  was  first used 2004, who would it though in something different rather than the creation of Facebook, i think there is divisor like that divide in two era, the era before Facebook, the era when sites like "Instant Messenger", "AOL (America Online)" and many others, where  sites like these were swimming their way to the top. But then Facebook came, and none of these could it stop this madness.It wasn't only Facebook, i think it was 2004 the biggest year in the internet, sites like YouTube, Wikipedia, WordPress, BLOGGER, Twitter, Tumblr,they were planting their roots into society lifestyles and mind. 
I think they actually accomplished their goals, which  was mold us into internet addict which couldn't leave bed without checking them. In fact I think I couldn't be more serious, these massive communication media turned into everything we need now days to know what is happening at the exact moment, the user just have to log on into Facebook or any other online newspapers and we can know what is happening not only in your home town or country , you can learn about worldwide news just the the click or the touch of a button. 

But as good and positive this might sound, there is also a dark side in media, such  as that most of all the newspaper, magazine are part of this so called media cross-ownership, for example in the United State everything you can think of such as television, radio and magazines are owned by the "Big Six" which are: COMCAST, The Wall Disney Company, 21 Centuary Fox/News Corporation, Time Warner, VIACOM and the CBS Corporation.
Why is this so bad? Well it means that everything you see, hear and read it just recycle, What do i mean with recycle? Well every single company has an opinion over something, so it means that every person  who work for any of these companies follows their ideas. You will be listening and reading the same no matter when you turn yourself into no matter the magazine, the radio station or TV channel well probably one of these Multimedia company own it.

But I'm not saying they aren't helpful, for me these media no matter the source, internet, TV, radio, magazine, newspaper, keep us up to date, and that is good, but at what cost?


Always standing just outside of the circle
And no one let you in, blame it on yourself
But you're looking at the mirror through a broken window

Shut it out all the noise that you let in
Let it go just fade away, if you could only see
There's only light where think there's shadow

In the night, every road you take
In the night, brings you back to me
And you stand alone, I'm right here

So take my hand, don't be scared
We can go anywhere
You don't have to run, you don't have to hide,
Cause I got you,
Safe in my hands,
Safe in my hands

Holding you close and I don't care who's watching
Let the street lights guide the way
Tell me times will change
They won't look at us like we're broken, astrange

In the night, every road you take
In the night, brings you back to me
And you stand alone, I'm right here

So take my hand, don't be scared
We can go anywhere
You don't have to run, you don't have to hide,
Cause I got you,
Safe in my hands,
Safe in my hands
Safe in my hands

So take my hand, don't be scared
We can go anywhere
You don't have to run, you don't have to hide
Cause I got you

I pull you close, let them stare,
I'm with you I don't care
You don't have to run, you don't have to hide
Cause I got you safe in my hands
Safe in my hands,
Safe in my hands,
Safe in my hands.

That is the most romantic song, I can imagine myself singing it at my engagement ceremony  or maybe at the proposal. Its just that one of my passions is to sing and this might sound kinda weird but in my spare time I always search for wedding photographers.
 Can you see the beauty in getting married although its some say say its just a legal paper, that legally helps to homogenize  two human beings material possessions. But for me and how I persive it, is more than that, we so called loners wake up every morning  hoping  that today we will meet our eternal love, we want to know "real love, not forgotten". The kind of love our grandparents had, the one  the phrase "forever" actually met something, not just a short amount of time. I think marriage is just like a song, which is sung in duets because marriage isn't just maintained afloat by one of the spouse.

To be able to have a happy marriage, what do we actually need, is there a such thing as a recipe? I really need to know, but what i am sure about marriage is that is based on one of the purest feeling i'g sure was ever created, love. Being married would mean fixing issues in "the pocket", and it also sharing everything, by everything I really mean everything, because  you are actually now, in the eyes of the society and the government you are "one", by one i mean a family.

Here I would love to say that I  100% approve same-sex marriage, because everyone should be able to express their love to their beloved one. Marriage isn't just heterosexual ceremonies, it was made for everyone, that why no matter the religion people should be able to get married that why I'am against every religion who doesn't approve or perceive this as normal.