See Ya Next Week

6:21 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Wow, the semester is already ending, it feels like yeterday was the first day in college, its like  time was running, like if  we were only objects that were just passing by, we just flash our eyes and at the same instance we open them it feels like everything changed. This blog was a  way too realize how can life can be done just in a second, it feels like yeterday I was just  writting the introduction for this experince

Wow, I must say that i am really  great-full of this experience, it feels like i was yesterday when i started this blog, like it was yesterday when i decided to start analyzing  different topics that are part of our everyday life. It feels like at an  instance just by closing and opening your eyes you can let your whole life fly by in just than less than a second. This is not a goodbye even a farewell is a  see ya next week because I loved my url and the purspose of this proyect and i think i should keep it going, its not a bad a idea to keep running this   blog in  fact loved the idea the second the professor metion this proyect. This is not my first blog i nunned, well i run many other blogs not with this domain but with other name and a differnt company.

This experience was really rich in every aspect with this blog my follower could get to know me better, how i see and persive many topic that with this blog i got to analyze and discuss. HOPE YOU LOVED THIS EXPERIENCE THE WAY I DID>