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Sometimes, lifes gives to us pretty little moments such a spontaneous smile, hug or kiss which can also help us achieve that momentum. All I mentioned was a  cliche, for me feeling happiness it is something not everyone have ever encounter, for me being happy is doing things I love whenever I feel like it. Example for this was last Saturday activity we were collecting money for the MDA, along people I never seen in my entire life but at that exact time I meet them I felt a connection.

Happiness, that what we so called a state of being happy, it is  just an ephemeral state in life, happiness is not forever, but we as humans, we can enjoy it while it last. We often consider to be in that state we called happiness when we feel like there nothing, no one who can bring us down, when we feel we probably have a big smile between our cheeks, it maybe because we are feeling reaching that state of true happiness where we can go and come almost instantaneously. It is funny and also peculiar how there is a large amount of objects, moments and situations which  pumps us and evoke that state in our body. It’s not hard to imagine situations in life we can consider  as a common happiness giver such as: weeding, helping, joking, laughing, watching nature, being with someone you love etc.
Another spontaneous but commonly in my life happy moments would be when I open Spotify, and let my music play in shuffle for hours and hours until I feel like crying, you must be like huh? but yes I like letting my emotions out and those deep emotional lyrics in, it may me really weird but that just me. Also listening to those old epic disco songs evoking that sensation of standing up and start dancing like there were no one watching me and I were the only men in the world. If you get to know me you will see I might be hard to understand you may say I’m crazy but that just me, just perceiving and trying to reach my real pursuit of happiness, in this stellar world we live in, where nothing make sense and we just try to make our own reality out of what we perceive is right and help us grow.